Karl Kave & Durian - Wiener Linien

“Wiener Linien” is the fourth studio album by the restless Swiss wave duo Karl Kave & Durian.

Musically close to the style of Neue Neue Deutsche Welle with elements of post-punk and darkwave, the lyrics tie in with personal experiences of arriving in the Danube metropolis of Vienna. They explore a field of tension between privilege and loneliness, between hope and resignation. KKD remain true to the principles of a certain ambiguity and openness for contradictions, but are not afraid to admit to doubts and existential fears. They hence achieve a balance between gentleness and bite, between punchline and poetry.

LP / Digital Album

Posted on October 24th, 2024 under Releases, , ,

Karl Kave - Traurig schauen die Berge

Traurig schauen die Berge” combines a homerecording sound with sureal lyrics that reflect living in rural Switzerland. Diving into a odd walk of inner repetitions.

A friend called it Föhn Wave. A strangely warm Wind from the Alps. There are tales and studies about the Föhn driving people mad. Inducing headaches at least. Where I live is plenty of föhn.

I tried to get into a coherent world of phonetical thinking. All decorated by two neglected consumer class synths. The Yamaha TQ5, that looks like a telephone answering machine and the Korg DW6000, the last cheap analog polysynth from back in the days.

LP / Digital Album

Posted on December 27th, 2023 under Releases, ,

Karl Kave - Doomsday

Karl Kave’s Doomsday is a tale filled with white horses, abandoned castles and people.

Doomsday describes a certain feeling of fear paired with hope. Fear of loss and hope for renewal. Frei nach Hesse: Jedem Doomsday wohnt ein Zauber inne.

A poetic piece of hauntosonoric armageddon.

LP / Digital Album

Posted on April 19th, 2022 under Releases, ,

Karl Kave - Zeit der Unschuld

Existential synthpunk from St. Gallen, Switzerland.

I spent a big part of my short life with guitars, pedals, synths, drummachines and melancholy. As Karl Kave I feel free to expose my music. As Karl Kave I don’t need to give a shit. Whenever it is possible, the first take is the last. I’m sure there’s some truth in this. [Discogs]

Digital Album

Posted on January 29th, 2022 under Releases, ,

Carlo Onda - Sturm + Drang

Carlo Onda (aka Karl Cave) is a solo darkwave project from Heerbrugg, Switzerland.

LP / Digital Album

Posted on January 11th, 2022 under Releases, , ,