After “D’une Pierre deux Tombes”, a funereal and introspective album released in 2021, Opéra Multi Steel returns with its thirteenth studio album: “Les Passions tristes”.
The group remains faithful to the sound of the founding instruments that have made it unique since its beginnings. The evolution started on the previous album with the use of more electro rhythms and sequences continues. The pride of place remains given to the vocal melodies, synthetic pads and mechanical backgrounds created by the three musicians and which are a trademark of Opéra Multi Steel, sometimes tinged with recorders that sometimes bring a medieval hint. The band therefore evolves with constancy, without however denying its origins.
That said, the music, more up-tempo than on the previous album, does not engender a frenzied melancholy. OMS has always known how to keep distance from the members respective obsessions by mitigating them with a veil of irony and by sprinkling their songs with occasional or referential sound effects, some of them are directly linked to childhood, history, literature, cinema… OMS remains for its members the crucible in which they can mix their common or individual inclinations and their personal stories… The tragedy of some themes is never exempt from a certain dose of lightness in the tone… Some tracks could be easily danceable (Dites-nous, Tout en Tous, Tombés à Terre, Le Soleil est parti…) Some others are developing some more melancholic mood (A nos Moments perdus, Les Toiles…). Au grand Jamais with Catherine Marie as lead vocalist will bring back some memories from a previous side-project of OMS members called “O Quam Tristis”.
LP / CD / Digital Album

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol that is lost in the mists of time and that was already found in ancient Egypt and China. It takes the form of a snake biting its tail (this is the meaning of the word in Greek). An esoteric figure of a cyclical conception of the world and of life, it expresses at the same time the ideas of movement, of continuity, and of Eternal Return.
This figure spontaneously imposed itself on Usher and Chelsea to name this album of covers, each of them representing a stage of the constitutive journey of their identity. This is not a tribute or contract album, but rather an ancient desire that has finally come to fruition, a sort of puzzle mixing different spaces and temporalities that they have tried to reinvest. Norma Loy has always practiced the exercise of the cover, the most significant example being David Lynch’s “Heaven”, with multiple and very different versions, each one indicating in its own way the vision of the group in its evolution.
“OUROBOROS” reflects the diversity of Norma Loy’s influences, focusing on the early 80′s. “Night to Forget” by Factrix, for example, was already cited by the band as a reference in the first article published in New Wave in 1981. It gathers indifferently famous artists (Bowie, Cohen, Velvet Underground) and more underground formations (Tuxedomoon, Suicide, Coil, TG, etc.) in reappropriated versions. We also find a new reinterpretation of Romance, first track recorded by the band but dating back to the COIT BERGMAN (Usher/Chelsea) duo of 1978, and already appearing on other Norma Loy productions. This is a perfect example of the Ouroboros or Eternal Return, where the return to the point of origin integrates the path travelled. A careful listening reveals moreover within the covers, quotations of other titles of Bowie, Suicide, the Doors, Joy Division or Norma Loy themselves.
LP / CD / Digital Album

The third release on the label comes from Schulverweis, the German duo formed by Levente Pavelka and Johannes Haas (L.F.T.). After celebrated outings on Osàre! Editions and Neoprimitive, Schulverweis presents a new record revisiting the idiosyncratic Neue Deutsche Welle sounds.
On the A-side, Mehr merges electro with wave while on the flip we have the snazzy garage punk of No Future.
7″ / Digital Album

Since the 90′s Tzii, music composer and filmmaker, spreads his frequencies all over the world through touring from Eastern and Western Europe to Australia, passing by USA, Canada, Japan, Indonesia, South-East Asia and Africa, where he played hundreds of shows..… “A mountain of multiple figures” as defined by Nyx …
He created his own label NIGHT ON EARTH in 2001, releasing vinyls and tapes, and is a co-founder & active member of the label/collective V-ATAK. His main aim is to reach transcendance through sound trance, layering and looping to another dimension…… To do so he explores infinite different worlds and expressions, from music to performance or collective creations. One thing always remains in his works : they’re impossible to fit in any box.
He’s part of several other projects like SOLAR SKELETONS, MS30, 1997EV, VIRIL, AEROBICONOISE and works also for dance companies, living performances, movie soundtracks and any other mediums with sound inside …..
He collaborated on stage or in studio with numerous other fellow musicians around the world and is currently engaged in a never-ending world tour.
Cassette / Digital Album

Winter Severity Index is a project by Simona Ferrucci ( voice, guitar, bass guitar, drum programming, synths ). Simona collaborates with Alessandra Romeo on synths and keyboards since 2013.
LP / CD / Digital Album