Infant Sanchos - Szene 23

There weren’t enough more than four songs for this EP. They are as different as possible so as not to create an uncomfortable feeling of coherence. But the most important thing remains: juicy kick drums, crunchy synthesizers, theatrical chatter. Now also for your rancid Bluetooth speakers: The soundtrack to the criticism in the scuffle.

Digital Album

Posted on December 17th, 2023 under Releases,

Infant Sanchos - Sch​ä​ume

Neukölln 2022. The smoke from burning oscillators rises above the roofs. It stomps, screams; in the distance a saxophone is nagging through the street canyons. What the world needs now is another LP by Infant Sanchos, those likable, non-permanent declining figures. Look no further, you humiliated, despicable, downtrodden and abandoned creatures: Incriminating music is danceable again.

12″ / Digital Album

Posted on June 8th, 2022 under Releases,