SDH – Against Strong Thinking

SDH return with the Against Strong Thinking EP, which follows its 2018 self-titled album. Although six songs may be insufficient, their new tracks highlight the strengths of their debut. The beats are deeper, the atmospheres sadder.

The band continues to explore the musical language as a poetic form and trying to discover new questions that allow the great categories of thinking to be undone. Against Strong Thinking talks about the importance of facing all that categorical, dogmatic and conclusive thinking. There is a need for dialogue with everything that seems unquestionable. Again, the questions guide all the songs and, again, there is no single answer. Sometimes this doubt is fertile, sometimes it is painful and involves a total and profound loss.

The album begins with Suffer, a perfect song to cry in late night clubs, dancing with tears in your eyes. But SDH know how to make a crowd dance too. No Miracles is an instant banger and Your Next Story sounds cruelly sexy. Poem Against Strong Thinking and Four Arms have that melancholic trademark sound with interesting musical progressions that we discovered in their first album and there’s also a good surprise: the inclusion of a re-recorded version of You Pt. 12, the first song released by SDH in 2016, this time with a better production that makes it easily one of their best tracks.

The importance of the body, the senses, the dance and the dialectic is present in each theme as a form of struggle of a voice that dialogues with itself against the firmness of its own strong thoughts.

12″ EP / Digital Album

Posted on April 28th, 2020 under Releases, ,

Future de Hierro – Costumbres y medidas

Futuro de Hierro, hailing from Barcelona, is the project by one of the Màgia Roja label/club/community collaborators… mostly known for this work with Dame Area but his solo project Futuro de Hierro is equally (or more?) interesting… the loud repetitive broken beats, noises and powerful delivered Spanish vocals make up for a punk influenced industrial techno sound which borders rhythmic noise at times… like something in between Liaisons Dangereuses, Esplendor Geométrico and Sonar…

This is an uncompromising EP filled with harsh tracks that still work for the dance floor… especially for those fed up with hearing the same beat over and over and over again…

12″ EP

Posted on April 27th, 2020 under Releases, , ,

Leroy Se Meurt – La Chute

About a year ago Leroy Se Meurt delivered a simply hard-hitting and smashing debut EP… which quickly sold out at the ET HQ… the mixed background of this duo from Paris in electronic music and in punk-rock shapes the distinctive sound of Leroy Se Meurt… you can call it synth-punk or elektropunk… or simply post-punk for that matter… Not only their debut EP did have impact… possibly even more did their live shows… their live performance is wild and in your face…

Now there is the follow up to that acclaimed debut EP… this time Leroy Se Meurt takes a little step back from the totally in your face attitude… the sound is a bit darker and aims less on a direct confrontation but works to crawl under your skin… the energy and tension is still there but is building up gradually… and has a bigger impact that way… Don’t miss out on this next step in the campaign of Leroy Se Meurt!

12″ EP

Posted on April 26th, 2020 under Releases, , ,

Mort Lente – Self-titled

Distag present with joy the solo project of Eric from Futur Facile.

Lambeaux amers
Décomposition sonore
Plainte nocturne
Apnée du sommeil
Cérémonie d’un adieu aux vivants
Larsen chatouillant les tympans
Piquant comme des punaises de lit
Lancinant comme une longue agonie…

Recorded at La Cave in Reims. The song “J’écoute la nuit” if inspired by the book “Moins que rien” of Didier Durmarque.

Cassette / Digital Album

Posted on April 25th, 2020 under Releases, ,

Retrograde Youth – Mass Asphyxia

Mass Asphyxia, Retrograde Youth’s new record comes in the form of 6 tracks to satisfy the escapist desires of troubled minds and souls. The Colombian artist operates in a sphere of his own where the lines blur between different styles, fusing oddball techno with deranged acid, industrial elements, ethereal synth and haunting vocal samples. The sound aesthetic is just as diverse with atmospheres meandering between sci-fi, disaster and retro-futurism. Retrograde Youth once more shows his nonconformity and ability to surprise in great style.

12″ / Digital Album

Posted on April 24th, 2020 under Releases, ,