Fashion Flesh is the solo-output moniker of John Talaga, based in Bay City, USA, whose music first came to our attention back in 2016 with the release of an excellent 7-inch on Detroit’s Est. ’83 Records. He should have been in the Radiophonic Workshop, but he was in the wrong place, wrong decade. Instead, Withdrawn comes as his first full-length album and makes up for the perfect introduction to Talaga’s synthesis of original and plasticized melodic collages. Birthed from the guts of homegrown exotic electronics and various audio devices built from one’s own design and heavily modified beyond audible recognition or return. From torn memories of pleasant dreams to plasticine free jazz sculptures, wavey electro cuts squealing like rubber tires and pop hallucinations, Fashion Flesh highlights the beauty of confusion and anxiety throughout the breathing and illusive meanderings of his tape manipulations and hard copy cut-ups.
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